Centro Internacional ANSUR-TEILFE provides language services to both businesses and individuals. It was developed with the aim of promoting interaction between the business system and the University offering services relating to the TRANSLATION, TEACHING AND RESEARCH OF LANGUAGES FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES.


Centro Internacional ANSUR-TEILFE also offers centralised general language and/or cultural tourism services that include accommodation, Spanish as a foreign language classes, guided tours of monuments and language mediation cultural events and services for the promotion of commercial intermediation at international level, including the provision of remote services for enterprises and individuals to favour any business exchange.


The languages offered are German, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Korean, Croatian, Spanish, French, Greek, Japanese, English, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, etc.



  • Centro Internacional ANSUR takes its name from the Ansur Rune of the Nordic Runic alphabet known as the Anglo Saxon Futhark.


  • It corresponds to the letter “A” of our alphabet.


  • It is considered to be the rune of the word.


  • Moreover, it represents a series of values that define our international centre:
    • Inspiration
    • Intelligence
    • Spoken and written creativity
    • Understanding
    • Conciliation
    • Dialogue
    • Meeting
    • Verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Centro Internacional Ansur-TEILFE has its origins in the Faculty of Philology at Seville University and offers innovative linguistic services for languages for specific purposes (LSP).


  • One of its main objectives is to create a KBE (Knowledge-based Enterprise) in Humanities that can be a nexus between the University and the business fabric of Andalusia and Spain, with projection towards Europe and the rest of the world.


  • It also demonstrates that Philology in its most modern sense is not just teaching or research, but international projection and the transfer of research results thanks to the appropriate use of languages that allows institutions and businesses to internationalise.


  • It comes with a great advantage: the availability of the immense intellectual resources of our teachers, students and highly specialised professionals.
  • Offering students graduating from the University of Seville the possibility of finding employment in:
    • The teaching of languages for specific purposes/teaching of Spanish as L2 for specific purposes
    • Translation
    • Research


  • Offering courses of interest for specific training in 18 different languages. (German, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Korean, Croatian, Spanish, French, Greek, Japanese, English, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, etc.)


  • Offering translation at competitive prices and being a reference point in teaching and research of Language for Specific Purposes from an institution of prestige and proven quality.


  • Creating a collaboration and interaction network between enterprises and institutions to provide the best service to customers.
  • International political, cultural and economic relationships grow exponentially, which is why it is necessary to facilitate communication between countries.


  • The centre of our business model adapts by sector to the different demands and needs of our target market.


  • Internationalisation occurs through linguistic adaptation, following research of the languages in specialised and specific communicative environments via specialised personnel.


  • Centro Ansur-TEILFE is unique in the world with these characteristics.


  • It unites the three fundamental spheres of humanities: teaching/learning, translation and LSP research.


  • It is born out of the need to coordinate these areas and offer centralised services that save clients time and money.
  • Antonella d’Angelis – CEO (chief executive)


  • Simone Pagliaroli – COO and CFO (chief operations and financial officer)


  • Andrea d’Angelis – CMO and CTO (chief marketing and technology officer)


  • Cristina Valdivia – CIO (chief information officer)


  • Marta Flores – CCO (chief communications officer)